The Six Forces of Forex

The Six Forces of Forex

Few traders ever stop to consider the context that defines the foreign exchange marketplace,but all of them should. As forex matures in its role as a retail investment environment the rules – and the stakes – will only multiply.

For most traders, a comprehensive trading plan is an unmet ideal. In the foreign exchange markets in particular, the lure of easy money often distracts the trader from the reality of hard work. But as anyone who has had success trading can attest, trading is a discipline. It requires a plan informed by extensive knowledge of the markets and the ability to carefully, consistently apply that knowledge. The main ingredient of any trading plan is an understanding of the context that defines the trading environment.

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Reply nicole Says
3 3

trading is a discipline! yes sure,Forex Trading is a Discipline! I like Atom8 for more money with Discipline too!! ;)

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Reply Arjun Says
3 3

Agree main 4 emotions of trading :GreedFearHopeRegret :)



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