What Investors need to know

What Investors need to know

Like many other investments,off-exchange foreign currency trading carries a high level of risk and may not be uitable for all investors. In fact, you could lose all of your initial investment and may be liable for additional losses. Therefore, you need to understand the risks associated with this product.
You should also understand the language of the forex markets before trading in those markets.The glossary in the back of this booklet defines some of the most commonly used terms.This booklet does not suggest that you should or should not participate in the retail off exchange foreign currency market.You should make that decision after consulting with your financial advisor and considering your own financial situation and objectives. In that regard, you may find this booklet helpful as one component of the due diligence process that investors are encouraged to undertake before making any investment decisions about the off-exchange foreign currency market.

PUBLISHER: National Futures Association


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Reply david yobvb Says
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